Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Potty time!

This picture cracks me up!! It is a classic "learning to use the potty" picture! She has all of the necessities...chap stick and a drink!

The past week or so Brynn has decided that she does not want to wear diapers. On Monday she said "No diaper." I decided that I should take this cue from her and try the whole "potty" thing. I put her big girl Dora underwear on her and pulled the potty out. We brought her baby doll in and had the doll pull down her underwear and sit on the potty. Then we clapped and said yay baby peed on the potty. Brynn thought it was pretty funny. I set the timer to remind myself to ask her to go pee every 15-30 min. I also told her she would get a M&M if she peed on the potty. She sat on the potty but wouldn't pee and didn't seem very interested in getting a M&M. So I told her she could get a piece of gum if she peed in the potty. Once I said that she got up sat on the potty and peed! She then immediately said "Gum, gum!" She only had one accident on Monday and one on Tuesday as well! I can't believe I'm getting my 2 year to pee on the potty with GUM! What ever works...Today she has done even better and pooped on the potty. Too much info but I'm sure all the moms reading this really appreciate this info...sorry dads! So she is doing very good and I'm going to go with the flow. If she starts to have more accidents or becomes not so interested in it anymore I'll stop...BUT for now she is peeing and pooping on the potty. It can't possibly be this easy, can it??

Random Pics

Big girl in the jumperoo

Another thumb sucker!

She cracks me up when she leans back on her hands like this to watch TV!

Here are some recent random pics. Brynn 2 years 1 month and Leah 4 months!


X-mas Eve

Having so much fun with Aunty Tory!

Cool outfit! X-mas Eve

Leah and Uncle Matt on X-mas eve!

X-mas morning!

Cooking with Daddy

The girls X-mas morning

New baby doll

We had a great X-mas! The girls and I spent X-mas eve at Uncle Matt's and Aunt Tory's house and then we all went over to the neighbors house for awhile right before bedtime. Brynn was exhausted so we didn't do the whole cookies and milk for Santa bit...sorry Santa! When we brought Brynn down stairs in the morning she saw the easel and was excited. Sean told her that Santa brought it for her and she said "Tank you Santa!" It was so cute! We (well Sean and Brynn) made breakfast after opening our stockings and then opened present, after present, after present! At about noon Brynn had enough and she took a nap. When she woke up she opened the rest of them and we had a yummy chicken dinner! Brynn sure got spoiled but it s so nice to have a bunch of new toys to entertain her! Leah had her usual routine of eating and sleeping and enjoyed the day too I'm sure!