Saturday, October 25, 2008

The best toy ever!!!!

Are you sure this is okay mom?!

Maybe it tastes good!

Mmmm good????

A little on my hair!

This is so much fun!!!

Well Brynn discovered the flour a few days ago and what fun she had!!! She pulled the container out of the cupboard and I just watched her to see what she would do. A litte flour had fallen out of the bag and was on the bottom of the tupperware container. She started just playing a little in the flour with her finger tips. She kept looking at me to see when I was going to tell her "No!" But I figured playing in flour is harmless and nothing a broom and bath couldn't clean up. So I dumped more out into the container and Brynn found some spoons. She had a BLAST! She had taken her shirt of earlier so it was very fun rubbing flour all over her tummy. Then she discovered dumping it on her head! She then thought it might taste good so she licked her fingers. She said "Mmmm good!" but her face told a different story! It was so fun watching her play and discover something new to play with! The only downfall is that now she thinks she should always be aloud to play with the flour, but I only think it is a good idea in the evenings BEFORE bathtime!

Leah Jane is 2 months!!!!!

Leah had her 2 month appt yesterday. 2 MONTHS ALREADY!!!! She weighed 12lbs (75%) and is 22.5" (50%) long. My chunky girl!!! Brynn was 11lbs 9oz at this age and about the same length so they are about the same size. She got 2 shots and one oral vaccination. She cried when the shots were going in but settled right down after. She took a very long nap in the early afternoon and then cried for about 2 hours when she woke up. Poor thing! She slept good at night so hopefully will be feeling better today.

At 2 months she is sleeping 7-8 hours straight at night. She is smiling a lot and has pretty good head control when she is held. She loves to be sitting in an upright position so she can watch her big sister play.

Big helper Brynn!

I've just got to brag on my big girl for a minute!!!! She has been such a big helper lately...and I really mean that she is helping me! First of all she just adores Leah and hates to have her crying. Leah got some shots yesterday and was fussy in the afternoon. Leah is usually so easy to settle down but yesterday she cried a lot more than she ever had. Brynn kept bringing Leah her snuggley and her baby dolls and her blanket, trying so desperately to calm her down. Then Leah spit up a bit so Brynn got her burb cloth and wiped her mouth off. Brynn then wrapped her arms around Leah and started to bounce her very softly and SHHH in her ear!!! That made my eyes well up to see Brynn acting as a mother to her baby sister!

Brynn has also been cleaning up her toys like a pro! When we are getting ready to leave the house or before nap I have her clean up. She knows EXACTELY where her toys go and does a perfect job putting them ALL away. She always has such a satisfied look on her face when she is done. She does get very frustrated when she picks up all her books and then tries to pick up the basket to put it on the shelf and the basket tips over and all the books come tumbling out!!! Poor thing! But she is a very determined little girl and starts picking them up all over again! I guess it is very helpful for her (as well as me...OCD :)) for her toys to all have a certain spot they live in!

She is also into helping me sweep, mop, vacuum and dust. She gets very excited when I get the vacuum out because she gets to use the swiffer!!! And dusting is so much fun...and can laundry get any more fun!!! My mom told me that I loved "helping" as well but it unfortunately doesn't last long enough! I'm really appreciating it while it last though!!! Thank you Brynnie for being such a good helper and such a sweet sister!!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Silly Brynnie

Brynn has been loving to dress up and wear any jewelry. She loves hats, glasses, bracelets, and necklaces. Such a girl! Don't worry though she also loves the mud and has to pick up any rock she sees!


What beautiful weather we've had! This past weekend we enjoyed a trip to get pumpkins. There was a little haunted trail we walked on to get to the pumpkin patch. Brynn was a little over due for a nap but still had a good time. Leah slept through the whole trip...surprise, surprise!


It is so amazing having two girsl! We have a few outfits that match for them and I love dressing them alike. One day I almost matched them so I changed my clothes. I draw the line at us all matching!!!! Here are some pics of them in the outfits that they wore home from the hospital. They BOTH have grown over the past 6 weeks. Leah's top was a dress but now looks like a shirt and her long pants are now capris on her! Brynn's pants were big when she wore them the first time and now they are almost too short! I've go to stop feeding these girls!!!

Leah Jane

I can't believe how fast Leah is growing and changing. She is getting so chunky, has a few chins and rolls on her thighs! Each day I swear she changes! Some of her newborn things are too small, many are too short! She goes to the docs next week for her 2 month checkup and I can't wait to see how ig she is!

Her head is getting pretty strong and she loves to look all around. Leah is smiling more and more and makes the sweetest cooing noises. She is a very happy girl as long as she is fed and has a clean diaper. She has started to sleep longer at night, 6-7 hours straight now!!! Sleep is good!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Visit from Michigan!!!

Sean's parents came out last week to meet the new addition and to give lots of hugs and kisses to Brynn! It was so wonderful to have them here and we wish we all lived so much closer. It was amazing to see both of the girls with their Michigan Grandparents and Sean and I got to leave the house all ALONE! Boy was it nice to have the extra hands and to relax a bit while Grandma Marti gave the baths and read the books. I love my girls dearly and love being a mom, but a break is soooo needed from time to time! Now I'm getting back into our daily routines and wishing we had some family just next door.